Book Review 1


This book was compiled in January 2018 by Trudy Baddams of #WEPAIDINYOUPAIDOUT Facebook Group and contains the heartfelt and often heart-breaking testimonies of the 1950’s born generation of women who have been deceived and robbed of their State Pensions at 60 with very little, if any warning or preparation. The injustice they have suffered is so cruel and unfair that it beggars belief it was ever allowed to happen. This book is evidence in history of one of the most shameful, dishonourable and demeaning episodes in British Government. It is full of stories of disappointment and broken dreams. It describes women who have been cheated of their freedom and their right to spend time with their grandchildren while they are still young and ageing parents while they are still around. Their families have been cheated and the social implications are wide and devastating. Women have been forced into poverty through no fault of their own and these are their honest stories, written by themselves with no frills and as it actually happened.

Hazel Bell

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